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The Chittagong Metropolitan area, Bangladesh, experienced several landslide events between 1982 and 2014. The worst episode in terms of victims occurred in 2007, killing 127 people. In 2014, the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology-Japan Institute of Disaster Prevention and Urban Safety (BUET-JIDPUS) developed a Web-GIS based landslide early warning system for alerting communities in vulnerable areas ( Statistical analysis on rainfall were carried out for the period 1950-2010 on daily basis, considering data from 34 pluviometers located all over Bangladesh. The alert system was developed combining the susceptible zones and the corresponding rainfall thresholds. For the Chittagong Metropolitan area five different classes of susceptibility, and daily based (1 day and 3 days) rainfall thresholds have been defined. The Web Warning System ( displays different risk areas according to precipitation monitored. The precipitation data is updated from once a day. The system is able to send warning emails to the registered users about the affected areas according to forecast precipitation (Ahmed and Murillo, 2015).

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