Main components necessary to design and manage a Te-LEWS.
The conceptual model is structured as a jigsaw puzzle because a weakness or failure in any one of the components could result in a loss of reliability or failure of the whole system. The scheme is based on four main tiles, i.e. main modules of the warning system: i) setting, ii) modelling, iii) warning strategy, and iv) response.
​The first three modules refer to technical aspects, whereas the last one to social aspects. Each tile may include several components, but only the most important ones are reported in the Figure. A component has links with either one or more of the other components inside a tile.

The performance evaluation is often overlooked and model performance is assessed, neglecting some important aspects that are peculiar to LEWSs, such as the possible occurrence of multiple landslides in the warning zone, the duration of the warnings in relation to the time of occurrence of the landslides, the level of the issued warning in relation to the number of landslides occurred in the warning zone and the relative importance system managers attribute to different types of errors (Calvello & Piciullo, 2016). To solve these issues and to evaluate the performance of territorial LEWSs, the “Event, Duration Matrix, Performance” (EDuMaP) method has been defined (Calvello & Piciullo 2016). EDuMaP comprises the following three successive steps:
the analysis of the landslide (LE) and warning (WE) events;
the definition and computation of a “duration matrix” that lists the time intervals associated with the occurrence of landslide events in relation to the emission of warning events;
the evaluation of the performance of the early warning model using an established set of performance indicators.
EDuMaP method
EDuMaP tool
EDuMaP method

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Luca Piciullo was born in Avellino, Italy in 1984.
Bachelor and Master degree with honours at University of Salerno, Italy.
PhD student with a Dissertation on “Performance analysis of landslide early warning systems at regional scale.”
Post doc at University of Salerno in Geotechnical engineering. Currently working at NGI, Oslo, Norway.
Convener of the session on: “Landslide early warning systems: monitoring systems, rainfall thresholds, warning models, performance evaluation and risk perception”, at the European Geosciences Union (EGU, 2017 -2021), Vienna, Austria. link
Editor of the Special Issue on landslide early warning systems on natural hazards and earth system sciences (NHESS) Journal. link
mobile: +39 349 71 17 023
e-mail: luca.piciullo@ngi.no